Important criteria for high grade silicon carbide abrasives
With the comprehensive liberalization of China's epidemic prevention and control policies, the effect of stabilizing economic policies is further evident, and the market is gradually warming up due to favorable factors such as the fading impact of the epidemic. In the first half of this year, China's manufacturing industry showed a strong recovery trend. Among them, the high-tech manufacturing industry with high technological content and added value has maintained rapid growth. From January to May this year, the added value of China's aerospace and equipment manufacturing industry above designated size and intelligent vehicle equipment manufacturing industry increased by 25.9% and 33% year-on-year, respectively; China's high-tech manufacturing investment grew 12.8% year on year, 8.8 percentage points higher than all fixed assets investment. A beautiful transcript is particularly dazzling.

In 2022, under the severe external environment and the unexpected impact of the domestic epidemic, China's total industrial added value exceeded the 40 trillion yuan mark, accounting for 33.2% of GDP. Among them, the added value of the manufacturing industry accounted for 27.7% of GDP, ranking first in the world for 13 consecutive years. A total of 65 Chinese manufacturing enterprises were included in the 2022 World Top 500 list, and the number of specialized, refined, and new small and medium-sized enterprises reached over 70000, Showing strong resilience and potential.

With the help of national policies, in 2023, the giant ship of China's manufacturing industry will set sail and forge ahead on a new journey. A new starting point contains new opportunities; New opportunities contain new hope. Currently, China is in an important period of strategic opportunities for development, and colleagues are also in a period of prominent economic and social contradictions. We should be soberly aware that the new blueprint is opening up a wide space for "fish jumping on the vast sea", and the new voyage is also facing the severe test of "sailing and dancing". Standing at a new historical starting point, only by seizing opportunities, making good use of them, and transforming them can we achieve the transformation from Made in China to Created in China.

Riding the wind and waves with Yang Fan's strength, we bravely embark on a journey of exploration. Our industry enterprises should face challenges head-on, not be trapped by local or immediate problems, not be confused by various noises, and boost confidence in development. Efforts should be made in specialization, differentiation, and specialization to accelerate the research and development of key technologies, break through bottlenecks in industrial development, firmly grasp the initiative of innovative development, continuously improve core competitiveness, and actively assist the giant ship of China's manufacturing industry to break through waves along the high-quality development channel, achieve stability and progress, and sail towards a more magnificent shore.

    Contact Us

    Henan Golden Sun Technology Co., Ltd. 
    No.1, West Side of Jiu Street, South of Longhai Third Road, Demonstration Zone, Kaifeng City, Henan Province,China
    Postal Code: 200090
    Tel: 0371-22110389
    Fax: 0371-22110389

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Henan golden sun Technology Co., Ltd

  • Address:No.1, West Side of Jiu Street, South of Longhai Third Road, Demonstration Zone, Kaifeng City, Henan Province,China
  • Telephone:0371-22110389
  • Fax:0371-22110389


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